Sunday 2 October 2011

Countdown Redux

Last week I confessed my obsession of photographing house numbers during our bike journey in Portugal.

I realize the short "video" might have had a certain entertainment value, but probably fell far short of convincing the viewer that they should hop on a bike and tour there.

I now present "Countdown Redux." Twenty-one images that should whet your traveler's appetite and have you dreaming of your own bike trip through Portugal -- or somewhere, anywhere, on this incredible planet.

Photo: Portugal -- 2010 by Willie Weir


SIGHTS AND SOUNDS appears on Friday afternoons. Willie Weir is a columnist for Adventure Cyclist magazine. His latest book Travels with Willie: Adventure Cyclist will inspire you to hit the road and just might change the way you approach bicycle travel. He lives in Seattle with his wife Kat. You can read about their local adventures and life without a car at


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