Wednesday 29 February 2012

Adventure Cycling in the News, February 2012

Recently we've had some great media coverage of Adventure Cycling Association. Here are some highlights.

As you may have heard, the bike-travel mecca (our world headquarters here in Missoula) is expanding! Big thanks to the Missoulian, our local daily paper, for their recent report on our building efforts. For a fun glimpse at this historic transformation, check out our Flickr slideshow of the building remodel!

The Missoulian also recently ran a wonderful profile of our new tours director, Arlen Hall. The story begins: Arlen Hall was pedaling alone in the Deep South when the driver of a big green pickup truck came up honking behind him.Hall, who is black, had tried to get some friends to join him on the Mississippi bicycle tour to be safe. Instead, he turned alone to face the driver blaring the horn of the truck, maybe an old Ford.That encounter in Canton, Miss., would turn the solo bicycle ride into the most important trips, he has ever taken.  Keep reading, it's a riveting and moving story about how bicycle touring connects the past and present for Hall, another inspiring take on bike travel. 

Bicycle Retailer and Industry News recently published an annual review of cycling nonprofits by Doug McClellan, "Industry nonprofits roll through tough times." Given the tough climate we're doing pretty well and we're very grateful for the generous support of our members and donors. To learn more about our recent record-breaking year, check out the news release roundup of this last fiscal year, "2011 Caps Decade of Growth for Adventure Cycling Association." Again, thanks for your support!

I got a chance to contribute to the "Overcoming Commuting Obstacles" (PDF) feature in Bicycle Times' February issue. My contribution, which hopes to help cyclists overcome "There's no good way to get there by bike" obstacle, is on page 37. As an experienced commuting cyclist who has ridden in all types of urban environments, it turns out that I search for commuting route based on some of the same criteria I would use to plan a route for a bike tour.

Speaking of touring! "The Mystique of Route 66," David Lamb's piece on the revival of this iconic route from Chicago to LA, appeared in the February issue of Smithsonian magazine, giving special mention to our next long-distance cycling route: Bicycle Route 66 (due out in late 2014).


NEWS, NETWORKING, AND NEW MEDIA is posted by Winona Bateman, Adventure Cycling's media director, and highlights cool media (articles, videos, photos, etc.) and meet-ups related to Adventure Cycling and bicycle travel. Writing a story about bicycle travel or Adventure Cycling Association? You can contact Winona via email: pressATadventurecyclingDOTorg. Visit our media room, view our news releases, or follow us on Twitter.


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