Monday 23 July 2012

Why women wouldn?t cycle to work!

Written by: RHODRI CLARK OFFICIAL attempts to get more people cycling look set to fail - partly because women are too concerned about their safety or their image. Men and children appear to have responded to the message that cycling to work or school is good for their health and the environment. But new figures show a 29% drop in women cycling to work, although statisticians warn those figures should be treated with caution - because the numbers are so tiny. Just 0.5% of the female workers said the bicycle was their main transport to and from work. The reduction in female cyclists cancels out a 16% increase in men cycling to work. Overall, 1.4% of commuters normally cycled to work and the Government's target of tripling the number of people cycling to work by 2013 looks unachievable.


womens cycling clothes

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