Friday 1 March 2013

Is Addison Lee good for London cyclist?

At this stage I have to say RIP to all those who have lost there lives cycling on the UK roads at the hands of motorist. The Addison Lee debate seems to be the topic of the moment, its either the boss of Addison Lee �John Griffin is a genius or and absolute idiot. Griffin's original article had stirred up heated debate on the internet as it suggested that cyclists in London willingingly took their lives into their own hands by riding on roads. He said that cyclists should be properly trained and pay for using roads, summing up the article with "It is time for us to say to cyclists 'You want to join our gang, get trained and pay up'. I have come to the conclusion that he is a genius he is getting loads of free advertising when you think cab firm the 1st name that you will think of now will be Addison Lee. He has been in the printed press on the radio, Twitter, Facebook and now even I find my self-writing about John Griffin and Addison Lee. He is also good for cyclist and has highlighted the fact that cyclist need to stick together as we seem to be gaining more power in transport discussions in the city, we even have the London mayoral candidates fighting over or vote it is important that cycling stays free and free from the involvement of big business. It does not matter what John Griffin says about cyclist he is only a cab firm who wants to use the bus lanes and has been clever in the way he has diverted the attention of that topic and on to cycling and cyclist. What worry?s me if he get his way it would mean all cab firms and independent cab drivers will want to be able to use the bus lanes putting more cyclist in danger, a bus lane is like a secondary bike lane where as a cyclist.


winter cycling jacket

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