Sunday 26 June 2011

Fellow Cyclists ? Stranger or Friend?

There are sometimes when you are cycling down a busy A road, cars and lorries squeezing past at 50mph – not a cyclist in sight, and you start to wonder ‘why am I the only person cycling here?’ In some areas of Britain, cyclists can be so rare on the road it feels a little disconcerting. And if nothing else you’d like to see a cyclist just for the irrational re-assurance, bikes haven’t been banned on this particular stretch of road. Motorists cocooned in their warm and comfortable cars are effectively another species, there is no empathy between their experience and yours. If I see a cyclist going the other way,� I will invariably nod, smile or briefly wave. I don’t expect anything back, I’m just glad to know someone else is ploughing the same furrow. If nothing else, at least you know a fellow cyclist isn’t going to try and muscle you off the road, beep at you or shout out of the window for not cycling on a non-existent cycle path. Catching up a Cyclist in the Road Then there are the times when you catch up with a cyclist going in the same direction. This provokes a [...]


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