Tuesday 8 January 2013

Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts Ever, 2012 Edition

The Adventure Cycling blog has been going strong for over 3 years now. Thank you to all of our readers, members, and other supporters for your online engagement! For fun, we thought we'd round out the year with a listing of our top 10 most popular blog posts ever (according to web visits) since we kicked things off in July 2009. Enjoy!

10. Interbike Roundup Part 1: New 2012 Touring Bikes -- In this post, Josh Tack reviewed four 2012 touring bikes (for different touring styles), which he previewed at the 2011 Interbike trade show in Los Vegas, NV.

 9. Touring Cyclists Always Welcome Camping -- This GeoPoints Bulletin post heralded news of the Virginia State Park System's new policy that ensures long-distance touring cyclists will always have a spot to pitch a tent in their parks, even when designated spots are filled. We'd love to see more of these kind of announcements in 2013!

 8. Our Trail Angel Flies Away -- Executive Director Jim Sayer commemorates our friend, and long-time supporter of traveling cyclists, June Curry. She was known to many as the "the Cookie Lady," and  from 1976 nearly up until her death, she provided hospitality to many of the thousands of cyclists who traveled the TransAmerica Trail. Our annual June Curry Trail Angel Award is named in her honor.

 7. The Cycling Eight -- It gives us immense joy to see this post in the top ten. Written by Heather Andrews, a summer intern and friend of Adventure Cycling, this post presents her first short documentary video, which captured the lovely story of a group of young women who embarked on a bike tour in August 1940 with no experience and heavy bikes, but fully loaded with the spirit of adventure!

 6. 10 Things You Absolutely Need for a Long Distance Bike Tour -- A contribution from our friends Ryan McAfee and Michelle Cassel of America ByCycle, the title really says it all. This is a fun post that is even better when read back to back with their second top ten story (see #4)!

 5. A Fat Year: Touring on a Surley Pugsley -- This has been a very popular guest post by Nicholas Carman. Watch for most posts by him in 2013!

 4. 10 Things You Might Think You Need for a Long Distance Tour, but Don't -- America ByCycle's excellent companion post to #6.

3. 2nd Annual Adventure Cycling Photo Contest Winners -- Our annual Bicycle Travel Photo Contest attracts hundreds of photographers and submissions each year. (Some submissions end up in our annual Bicycle Travel Calendar.)  For fun, check out the 1st annual winners, and last year's winners in the 3rd annual winners post.

 2. Surly Long Haul Trucker -- Posted by Joshua Tack on July 18, 2009, we're always amazed that this post continues to show up in our monthly web stats as one of our most popular. But, it's really no surprise, given the popularity of this bike amongst touring cyclists and Josh's special knack for very readable, informative, and entertaining bike reviews. If you've ever considered a Long Haul Trucker, this is a good place to start for more information. Special note: Josh recently re-joined the Adventure Cycling staff after a 6-month respite to tour from Alaska to Mexico. He is one of our longtime bloggers, contributing to Touring Gear and Tips, and a columnist for Adventure Cyclist magazine (see "Fine Tuned").

 1. U.S. Bicycle Route System 101 -- The most popular blog post of all time lays out the basics of one of our most important programs, the creation of an official U.S. Bicycle Route System. This project has blossomed over the last 5 years with 40 states now working to establish U.S. Bike Routes (USBR), relying on hundreds of volunteers and supporters across the country. In the last two years, 8 new routes have been established: USBR 20 and USBR 35 in Michigan, USBR 45 in Minnesota, USBR 1 in Maine and New Hampshire, and USBR 8, 95, 97, and 87 in Alaska. These are the first new U.S. Bike Routes to be established since 1982! Read the 101 post for how this important project was reignited in 2003, and stay tuned for more great news on this front.

Again, thank you for your support and engagement with our blog and all our social-media communities: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Learn about other great ways to connect with Adventure Cycling online at www.adventurecycling.org/connect.

Wishing you and yours the very best in 2013!

Illustration by Luke McDonnell.


NEWS, NETWORKING, AND NEW MEDIA is posted by Winona Bateman, Adventure Cycling's media director, and highlights cool media (articles, videos, photos, etc.) and meet-ups related to Adventure Cycling and bicycle travel. Writing a story about bicycle travel or Adventure Cycling Association? You can contact Winona via email: pressATadventurecyclingDOTorg. Visit our media room, view our news releases, or follow us on Twitter.

Source: http://blog.adventurecycling.org/2012/12/top-10-most-popular-blog-posts-ever.html

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