Tuesday 21 June 2011

1984 Bike Tour: Day 39 - Entering the Rockies -- it's all uphill now

ROYAL GORGE, COLO. - So there I am posing at the side of US 50 with a horned antelope skull balanced on my helmet. Is it wacky altitude weirdness or just giddiness about being on the road again?

Probably the latter. We left Pueblo early and steadily headed toward a line of blue mountains ahead of us. As the morning wore on the mountains grew and finally enveloped us as we progressed into the Rockies.

We stopped at Penrose at 21 miles, then lunched in Canon City 15 miles later. About a mile outside this town, we both geared down to our grannies and just started climbing. To paraphrase Dorothy, we weren't in Kansas anymore ...

Source: http://www.bikingbis.com/blog/_archives/2005/6/21/960616.html

le tour de france 2011 tour de france

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