Monday 25 July 2011

Annie Londonderry: Pioneering Adventure Cyclist

Touring cyclists who come through Adventure Cycling's world headquarters are often men, but we love welcoming journeying women as well. Women, if you're reading this and haven't traveled by bike just yet, perhaps you'll find the story of Annie Londonderry inspiring and give it a shot.

The story goes like this: a few years after Thomas Stevens (pdf) completed his around-the-world bike journey in 1886, two wealthy gentlemen in Boston were disputing whether the same feat could be done by a woman. A steep wager was agreed upon, and Annie Kopchovsky was selected as the test subject.

Annie was a mother of young children, and had never ridden a bicycle before.

The rules dictated that she start her ride without money, yet make $5000 above expenses during her journey. The trek would need to be completed in 15 months.

As soon as she began, it was clear that Annie was resourceful enough to complete the trip: she had secured a sponsorship from Londonderry Lithia Spring Water, who paid her to hang an advertisement on her bike and adopt the "Londonderry" moniker.

Setting off from Boston on June 25, 1894, she first headed west, but after four months, reversed direction in Chicago due to the looming winter. In Chicago she obtained a bike 20 pounds lighter than her own, as well as a pair of bloomers which were instrumental in the completion of her journey.

Clever Annie combined her bike travel with many ocean liner trips, which saved precious time against her deadline. On the road she also became a master showman, staging dramatic photos and relating tall tales to the local newspaper in whichever city or town she was staying. The enormous buzz she created for herself attracted more sponsorship agreements to fund her way as she traveled.

Did she make it? Of course she did! She finished in Chicago on September 12, 1895, collecting a large sum of prize money as well as proving that in cycling, as elsewhere, women can do anything.

Annie has inspired an article in Bicycling Magazine (pdf), a book about her travels, and a soon-to-be-released documentary. She's just one of the women who have changed the world through bicycling.

Photo: Annie Londonderry paved the way for generations of women cyclists, like this woman cycling the French countryside in 1900. Photo by Bibliotheque de Toulouse on Flickr Commons.


BACKSTORIES is written by Heather Andrews, publications intern. Sifting through the Adventure Cycling archives, the series presents interesting and unusual documents that illuminate the organization's history.


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