Wednesday 26 December 2012

The AASHTO Bike Guide

After almost nine years working with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) on the development of the U.S. Bicycle Route System, we are pleased to announce that AASHTO will be submitting a series of guest posts, provided by Lloyd Brown and Zach O'Connor on a quarterly basis. This first in the series concerns the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities -- the go-to book for planners, engineers and contractors. The release of the latest version of the Guide was highly anticipated and provides new facility designs and guidance that has been favorably tested over the past several years. 

Transportation officials across the country from local to state levels are responding to the demand for bicycle infrastructure.  AASHTO believes in all modes of transportation. From roads to rails, water and bikes, we are committed to all forms of transportation. We embrace the multi-modal approach, and want to assist agencies planning for multimodal travel.

Surprised that an organization known for its dogged support for the interstate system would be interested in cycling? You shouldn?t be. After all, as a cycling advocate, you already know that more than a quarter of the U.S. population over the age of 16 rides a bicycle. This mode of transportation is important and growing in popularity. Bikes are a convenient, environmentally friendly, energy efficient and healthy choice for travel. Members of Generation Y, adults age 18-33, are moving toward urban areas where they rely less on driving and instead look for alternate modes of transportation -- like cycling.

The Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities, or the AASHTO Bike Guide, was released over the summer this year as an updated tool for builders and designers. The guide provides assistance on ways to incorporate bicyclists into the roadway environment. The multi-modal approach of AASHTO looks at integrating with transit, shared paths with pedestrians, as well as on-road facilities.

The Bike Guide was due for an update; the previous edition was published in 1999. Biking in America, especially in urban and suburban areas, has developed rapidly since the late 1990s. Growing to around 200 pages, the Bike Guide examines aspects of design such as lanes, intersections, and other basic elements needed in bicycle infrastructure.  We've improved the publication with updated information that is relevant for 21st century planners. For example, information regarding attachments and travel lane measurements can inform designers and planners on different forms of bicycle travel.

State Departments of Transportation are encouraged to utilize the Bike Guide when developing bike routes and, in turn, the U.S. Bike Routes system. While the bike guide mostly references facilities in urban and suburban interfaces, 80% of the U.S. Bike Route System will be on rural roads, state highways, or long trails. The guide can be utilized for these routes as they focus on common themes in all environments such as safety and signals. With the development of the U.S. Bike Route System and other facilities, we can develop our nation's growing demand for bicycle infrastructure.

We're hoping to have more recent updates to the publication as methods and design aspects evolve.  While bikes become a vital mode of transportation for travelers and commuters, we will continue to develop new standards and practices for bike facilities. For more information or to purchase your own Bike Guide, visit the AASHTO bookstore.

Zach O'Connor is the Communications Coordinator at AASHTO. A recent graduate of American University, he is a proud self-proclaimed transportation nerd. Lloyd Brown is Director of Communications at AASHTO, you can follow his blog "Talking Transportation" for more info.  

Top image courtesy of AASHTO, bottom photo by Curtis Corlew


BUILDING THE U.S. BICYCLE ROUTE SYSTEM (USBRS) is posted by Ginny Sullivan, USBRS coordinator at Adventure Cycling, and features news and updates related to the emerging U.S. Bicycle Route System. The USBRS project is a collaborative effort, spearheaded by a task force under the auspices of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Members of the task force include officials and staff from state DOTs, the Federal Highway Administration, and nonprofits like the East Coast Greenway Alliance, and Mississippi River Trail, Inc.


cycling routes

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