Tuesday 8 November 2011

Six Reasons To Bike Tour Across The Netherlands

My husband Andrew and I have been living in The Netherlands for two years now, and we're convinced that this little slice of cycling paradise is the perfect place for anyone considering a first international bicycle tour. These are just a few of the things we love about bike touring here:

#1 ? Lots Of Bike Paths

The Dutch love cycling, and it shows. This might be one of Europe's smallest countries (just over 100 miles from side to side and 200 miles from top to bottom), but they've packed an amazing 12,000 miles of bike paths and lanes into this tiny space! Come cycling here and you'll almost always be on your own traffic-free route. This makes bike touring here relaxing and very safe.

#2 ? Facilities For Cyclists

As you might expect from a country that's crazy about cycling, the Dutch don't just have plenty of bike paths in place. They also have a range of other facilities to help cyclists get around. For a start, it's easy to take your bike on trains across the country (just buy a bike ticket and hop on, any time outside peak hours). You'll never be far from a bike shop, if you have a mechanical problem. In the countryside you can enjoy free campsites for cyclists, and in towns and cities you can take advantage of guarded bike parking lots (these are called fietsenstalling and are usually found at train stations or in town centres).

#3 ? No Language Issues

The Dutch are excellent linguists, especially when it comes to speaking English. In the bigger towns and cities, almost everyone you meet will speak English. In the countryside, you might have to ask a few people, but it won't take long to find someone who can help you.

#4 ? Great Food

Dutch food is not noted among the world's great cuisines, but for the passing cyclist, we find it hearty and comforting. Just imagine huge pancakes (pannenkoeken) with dozens of different toppings, bowls of thick pea soup (erwtensoep), and plates piled high with mashed potatoes and sausage (stamppot). To finish off your meal -- or as a snack halfway through the day -- try a slice of Dutch apple cake with whipped cream (appletaart met slagroom). And don't forget to try the famous Dutch cheese. You'll find a specialty cheese shop in every town. Heaven!

#5 ? A Beautiful Landscape

You might think that this crowded country would be nothing but cities, but it's not so. Our favorite place for cycling so far is in and around the forests and heather-filled moors of the Hoge Veluwe National Park. You can also ride along the North Sea for days, or tackle the hills in the far south of the Netherlands.

#6 ? Cycling Fun Around Every Corner

Perhaps the thing we like best about cycling in the Netherlands is just watching the Dutch go about their daily business on a bike. We rarely go for a ride without seeing something that makes us smile. When you need a break from pedaling, grab a seat on a bench or in a caf� and watch the world go by.

Photos by Friedel Grant


FRIEDEL GRANT launched into bike touring with a tour around the world with her husband. They pedaled 48,000km through 30 countries before settling down to ride bikes in The Netherlands. Friedel writes about bike touring on her website, Travelling Two, has published the Bike Touring Survival Guide and written a chapter for the Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook.

Source: http://blog.adventurecycling.org/2011/10/six-reasons-to-bike-tour-across.html

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