Monday 2 January 2012

Cycling and the immune system!

One of the problems I have suffered whilst cycling last winter is catching a cold 1-2 days after an intensive cycle training session some times turning into a chest infection, it has been reported that after any stressful l training session the body immune system lowers. Just like a car engine your body is the engine whist out on you bike and if you are kicking the hell out of it and not toping up with what it needs it stands to reason that it will break down and I suppose breathing frozen air into your lungs on the cold winter mornings does not help either. I have done some research on this on the net but there seem to be varied conclusion as to the level of effect intensive training will cause on ones immune system but all do agree that it will lower the immune system. Never the less I have grabbed some information from Cycling performance tips which may be of some interest.


cycling team clothing

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