Sunday 25 March 2012

Shakedown Rides

Bicycle touring isn't something most people do on a regular basis. Weekend trips might be scattered here and there throughout the year, but tours lasting a week or longer might only happen as often as once a year. While you probably ride your bike regularly, your touring gear isn't put through the motions every day, so before you head out for a long trip, a shakedown ride is in order!

A shakedown ride is simply a dry run of your equipment. Get your pack list together, load your gear onto your bike, and head out for a ride. If you can squeeze in an actual overnight, awesome. If not, you can always setup a mock camp when you get back home.

This is a good way to double check your gear list, make sure all your equipment is in fine working order, and most importantly, it relieves some of the logistical stress that comes with a last minute pack job. 

Photo by Josh Tack

TOURING GEAR AND TIPS is written by Joshua Tack of Adventure Cycling's member services department. It appears weekly, highlighting technical aspects of bicycle touring and advice to help better prepare you for the journey ahead.


cycling fans

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