Wednesday 21 March 2012

Celebrating Inspiring Women

Today is International Women's Day, a time to celebrate women.

I'm overwhelmed with amazement when I think of all of the powerful women in my life. And around the Adventure Cycling office you don't have to look too far to find inspirational ladies.

Julie Huck is a co-founder of Montana Dirt Girls. The Dirt Girls go on weekly mountain bike adventures in the warmer months and hikes in the colder times, but rain or shine, they are getting after it.

On March 14, Montana Dirt Girls will host a Missoula showing of Luna Fest, a festival "Connecting Women Through Film." Find a screening near you!

And read up on Cara Coolbaugh in our March issue of Adventure Cyclist. Her drive and positivity make the most impossible Central American roads bike-able.
Everywhere you turn, there is a strong woman making adventures happen for herself and for others. Thanks to all the amazing women who are inspiring and encouraging!

Photo 1 by Rachel Stevens. Julie Huck, our Membership & Development Director, reads the latest Adventure Cyclist.

Photo 2 by Cass Gilbert. This photo, and many others from Cara's story, can be found in the March issue of Adventure Cyclist.


RACHEL STEVENS is a graphic designer at Adventure Cycling Association who writes about how Art + Adventures = Awesomeness.


cycling events 2010

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