Sunday 18 March 2012

Kiwi Chronicles, Episode 5: The New Gold Rush

In this episode of the Kiwi Chronicles, Russ Roca and Laura Crawford learn the story behind the trail that started it all -- the Central Otago Rail Trail. Its success in revitalizing a dying region in New Zealand was what inspired New Zealand's government to push for a cycle trail network.

Kiwi Chronicles: EP 6 - The New Gold Rush from Russ Roca on Vimeo.

Now check out Russ and Laura's ode to bicycle travel. "Some people think that it is all about the bike, but we all know that it isn't. When we go on tour, the most indelible memories we bring back are about the people we've met."


NEWS, NETWORKING, AND NEW MEDIA is usually posted by Winona Bateman, Adventure Cycling's media director, and highlights cool media (articles, videos, photos, etc.) and meet-ups related to Adventure Cycling and bicycle travel. This week's post was by media & publications assistant Alison Riley. Writing a story about bicycle travel or Adventure Cycling Association? You can contact Winona via email: pressATadventurecyclingDOTorg. Visit our media room, view our news releases, or follow us on Twitter.


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