Saturday 17 March 2012

Riding the Highest Highway

This week's Bike Overnight is by regular contributor Michael McGrath, who writes: "I rode one of my earliest Bike Overnights almost seven years ago, during the crazy summer that my son was born. That summer my wife and I spent Memorial Day weekend at the maternity ward and came home with a baby boy that changed our lives. I loved being a new father, even with the diaper changes and irregular sleep schedules, and I threw all my spare time into being a dad. Yet as summer wore on and I spent night after night rocking my son to sleep, I began to wonder: Do I have to completely skip bike touring this summer? I can't take a long tour, but what if I could leave for just one night? Surely I could go somewhere fun -- somewhere incredible. Maybe I could bike from my house to ... the top of the highest paved road in North America!"

Well, it wasn't easy, but Michael made it to the 14,240-foot summit (can you say "breathtaking?) of Mount Evans. "All around I saw jagged, treeless mountains covered with boulders and patches of snow. The place felt wild and rugged, and far, far away from the busy routine that I?d left just the day before. I stood there for awhile, absorbing the scene and thinking, 'Wow, I really made it here. This place is amazing!' Then it was time to head home."

Be sure to check out Michael's Mount Evans overnight at, as well as his popular post from last November, Biking Mountain Canyons in Northern Colorado, about his father-son ride with now six-year-old Daniel. There's plenty more to read and enjoy at the site, including the Photo of the Week. Our recent weekly selection, published March 9 and featured below, comes courtesy of Lisa Maloney from her post Whoopie Pies for Breakfast in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Photo of the Week, 03.09.12.

Top and middle photos by Michael McGrath.


BIKE OVERNIGHTS is posted every Monday by Michael McCoy, Adventure Cycling?s media specialist, and highlights content from Mac also compiles the organization's twice-monthly e-newsletter Bike Bits, which goes free-of-charge to more than 44,000 readers worldwide.


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