Saturday 10 March 2012

Tahoe on Her Mind

This week's Bike Overnight is by Adventure Cycling member Heather Andersen, who writes: "Riding around Lake Tahoe had been on my mind during previous visits to that area of California, but I never quite found the right time. Determined not to miss another opportunity when I was going to be there, I flew in for a writing retreat a couple of days early, hoping for some mid-October sun rather than snow or chilly rain."

She wound up having a great ride amidst splendid fall weather. For Heather, however, a two-day ride in civilized California is a relatively tame undertaking.

Fresh from a Peace Corps stint in Lesotho (it?s surrounded by the Republic of South Africa) in 2003, Heather realized that she wasn?t yet ready to return to the U.S. So she set out to fulfill a longtime dream of exploring southern Africa by bicycle. At first she rode with a companion whom she had literally just met. Tensions quickly mounted, causing the two to go their separate ways. Riding solo, she found the rewards abundant and the trip a priceless experience -- despite an attack and robbery that put an abrupt end to her adventure.

These things Heather documents in her recently released book, I Never Intended to Be Brave: A Woman?s Bicycle Journey through Southern Africa. The book received an Honorable Mention award at the 2011 New England Book Festival last December in the category of Biography/Autobiography.

Be sure to check out Heather's Tahoe overnight at, where there's plenty more to read and enjoy, including the Photo of the Week. Our recent weekly selection, published March 2 and featured below, comes courtesy of Robbie Stanley from her post An Easy Vermont S24O. ("No Burials Without Permission" -- we love it.) Photo of the Week, 03.02.12.

Top photo by Heather Andersen.


BIKE OVERNIGHTS is posted every Monday by Michael McCoy, Adventure Cycling?s media specialist, and highlights content from Mac also compiles the organization's twice-monthly e-newsletter Bike Bits, which goes free-of-charge to more than 44,000 readers worldwide.


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